What Is deuterium and what are normal levels In water?
Deuterium is a rare but naturally occurring stable isotope of hydrogen. Only 1 in 6500 hydrogen atoms are deuterium. Deuterium levels in drinking water vary with approximately 95% of the global potable water ranging between 143-157 ppm. Lowest deuterium water levels are found at the north and south poles and on top of glacial mountains. The highest levels are found along the equator at sea level and in desert groundwater.
Where does deuterium come from?
Deuterium is a naturally occurring element. You acquire deuterium through the food you eat, the water you drink and the air you breathe.
What are normal deuterium levels in the body?
Deuterium levels differ in different part of your body. Where deuterium is required for biological processes it is high, like your blood (150 ppm). But in your mitochondrial ATPase nanomotor (rotary engine) it must be low or preferably absent as they only use hydrogen to rotate. Some researchers feel deuterium in tissue should not exceed 130 ppm based on levels found in green plants and grass-fed animals.
How can we lower the deuterium content of in body ?
Research shows that decreasing the level of deuterium in the tissues and organs is a natural biological process. However, the body’s ability to deplete deuterium decreases as we get older, sicker and get less exercise or sunlight. The easiest way to influence the deuterium content of our body is to decrease the deuterium concentration of drinking water. This can be complemented by consuming deuterium-depleted foods. Animal fats are low in deuterium and burning fat helps your mitochondria make deuterium depleted water.
Does your body make ddw?
Yes. One of the primary roles of your mitochondria is to produce DDW for your cell matrix. When functionally optimally your mitochondria make all the DDW you require. However, if deuterium build up in your mitochondria you ability to produce both water and energy is reduced.
What foods are low and high in deuterium?
Modern processed food products containing refined and natural sugars, carbohydrates, and proteins, especially when they contain gene modified (GMO) products. Fruits, grains and non-green plants also contain elevated deuterium levels. Other things that increase deuterium are exposure to artificial blue light (especially at night), EMFs from wireless devices and cell phones, supplements and pharmaceuticals. Natural, fatty food like grass fed meat, wild caught fish and seafood, green vegetables and nuts all have low deuterium.
Is there a way to produce home-made deuterium-depleted water?
The short answer is no, not in a practical way. Home distillers can achieve a maximum 1 ppm decrease and would require the distillation process to be repeated multiple times to achieve a modest decrease. The freezing method is similarly inefficient. Substantial decrease of deuterium content in water can only be achieved by an industrial scale fractional vacuum distillation technology. 25 Hydrohealth deuterium-depleted water contains 84% less deuterium than normal drinking water, whereas home methods alter the deuterium content of water by a mere 1-2%.
I’m healthy but would like to know if I should be drinking 25 HydroHealth?
It’s not necessary but some people drink 25 HydroHealth to improve athletic performance, to feel even better, to increase cognition, to lose a little more body fat and as an anti-aging tool.
Thinking of trying deuterium-depleted water? See options HERE